1-         Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself as an Expert

Own it! Be confident and shout it to the world that you are good at what you do and you can produce the results for your clients. Define your expertise and create an expert intro for yourself. Be bold and clear.

Chances are, there are certain topics that you are good at, that 95% of people out there don’t know. It could be signing, marketing skills, writing skills, or any other skills that you know you have. Sharpen that skill and you’ll be an expert in no time!

2-         Share Your Story      

To further establish yourself as an expert, always be sure to share your story! You never want to be known as a fake expert with no credibility at alright? Your own success story acts as a backing for others to put their trust on you, so share it with the world.  If you are a fitness coach, you can share your own success stories of transforming your own body from A to Z, providing pictures from Day 1 to Day 90. You can also share success stories of your clients, how you help them from A to Z. These are your credibility story!

3-         Play Hard To Get

We must also understand the human psychology to win the game. Notice that the harder it is to get something, the more we value it. It’s just human nature. So, while you should be available to your audience most of the time, you also shouldn’t be too available to the point where others take you for granted.

4-         Be A Superstar

Think about it, what is the common thing all superstars you know have in common? They are always portrayed on media, whether it’s on the radio, television, websites, magazines, blogs, advertisements…anywhere to get your attention! Likewise, we need to think of ourselves as superstars. Get on podcasts, radio, seminars, webinars, blogs, web sites, anywhere to get attention from your prospects. I totally understand that working with media can be overwhelming, so start small. Email small blogs in your industry. Contact local radio stations or newspapers that serve small markets. Reach out to friends who have contacts in the industry. As you build your portfolio, bigger opportunities will emerge.

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